April 2011
In the alterations and custom sewing business, we have two seasons....busy, with Bridal, Prom and Homecoming, and the not so busy....Alterations and repairs come in both of our seasons. So if you need your pants hemmed, or your husband tore a hole in his jeans sliding into home plate, we really welcome the change of pace this gives us when we are up to our eyeballs in alligators with prom dresses. Here at Katherine's we all love what we do and really, really love the variety it gives us. If we had to do bridesmaid dresses every day all year, we'd get stagnant. What sparks our creative thinking is when you bring in a special challenge...a garment with a difficult fabric, hunting pants with zippers and ties at the hem that need shortening, holes in a beautiful suit you just don't want to give up. These things all make us work for a beautiful solution to a seemingly difficult problem for you. For instance, a young lady brought us a gorgeous silk sleeveless top she purchased online. She was so excited when her package came, she quickly opened the box with a razor blade, essentially cutting slits in her top. We were able to hem the top so