Thursday, May 20, 2010

Today is National Ride Your Bike to Work day. As I listened to the news this morning, I was thinking that I should get my bike out and pump up the tires and go for a ride while the wonderful weather lasts. My husband pipes up and says, "I don't think you should do that." Puzzled, I asked what he meant. "Don't ride your bike to work today." Still not "getting it", he went on to say, "I don't think you would make it down the stairs"! My studio is on the lower level of our home! OK, so you had to be there. Another guest on one of the morning shows had written a book about the little things that make you smile. Like the smell of bacon cooking, or the first bloom of the spring. We have much to be thankful for, and many of them are just that...little things. The husband who makes me smile all day. My intern who "gets" it and can get through a complicated Vogue pattern with minimal supervision. The client who is truly thankful for a job well done and gives me a hug. I LOVE those moments! I think if we think on these little things we receive great joy and the rest of life fades a little and is not as overwhelming. Enjoy the day! Ride your bike today!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Busy Bridal Season

The machines here at Katherine's Design & Alterations are humming away all day (and sometimes deep into the night!). My intern, Elena, graduated from Mount Mary College this past Saturday, and is now working every day for me! It will be so nice to work with someone who really knows her stuff! Elena wants to specialize in the Bridal market, so this time of year is right up her alley. Hopefully she will help to shorten the turn-around time for our schedule and learn a lot with all the Bridal gowns and Bridesmaid dresses that are coming in.
Don't forget to keep us in mind for even the simplest repairs and alterations. We work hard to give you a perfect fit on your garments, but we can also repair holes, replace buttons, and make a favorite outfit last longer.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Prom Season, Bridal Season

Prom season has come and gone. I did 9 prom dresses this year, half that of last year. ... Maybe due to the economy? The dresses were very diverse, some being beaded columns, and others that looked like Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Most were much more tasteful than in previous years which was a nice change of pace. The one that caught my eye was a beautiful, silk charmeuse dress that was SO colorful that you couldn't stop looking at it! It was a dream to hem, and it was SO soft and silky against your skin, I imagine it was like wearing a breeze. I LOVE to see all the different styles, colors, and personalities.

Wedding season is now if full swing. thanks to David's Bridal, I don't see too many innovative Bridesmaid dresses, but the Bridal gowns are each unique in their design and construction. It is so satisfying to take a dress that needs work and fulfill the vision the bride has of herself for her wedding day! I learn something new from almost EVERY dress I work on! Brides, remember...I can always make a Christening/ Baptismal gown for your first baby from your wedding dress. What a wonderful memory you create when you put your gown to use in this way!